“Memento mori” is Latin for: “remember you will die.” ... The basic idea of this philosophy is that if people remember their mortality, they will lead more vibrant lives, live in the present, and take advantage of opportunities rather than postpone them until tomorrow. A basic memento mori painting would be a portrait with a skull like Picasso’s “Goat’s skull, bottle and candle” or the object/symbols seen in the Vanitas still life, both posted below.
“I see the flowers & the flowers see me” is my not so subtle meditation on the idea, which was an inescapable subject for us all these past eighteen months. Using my favorite brush, the mallet to reflect the intensity of modern life and as a reminder that beauty can be found in even the most turbulent times. Side note, it was also cathartic as hell to paint in this manner. The bust was used in several ways, as a traditional symbol of the temporary nature of beauty and worldly possessions. It is also an extension of my works rehabbing kitsch versions of classical sculptures, returning them to a higher art form. It is now available for acquisition, email me for details and to arrange a viewing at ONE Modern Art. Mixed media, 48” x 72” x 12”, detailed images posted below.
If you have made it this far thank you for taking the time, I look forward to seeing you all in person this spring and summer.
Picasso’s “Goat’s skull, bottle and candle”.
Detail of “I see the flowers…”
My favorite paint brush.
Detail of the “flowers”.
The Vanitas still life.